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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Announcing Fundraising Campaign

The first batch of Carland for Sheriff t-shirts is in and they look great!  Dan at DA Designs of Frankfort did a fantastic job.  Many in Benzie County have inquired about how they can get one to show their support.  Well, here's your chance. 

Coury would love to hand-out t-shirts without asking anything other than that you wear them with pride.  But unfortunately, Carland for Sheriff political swag doesn't grow on trees.

Remember, Coury is running as an independent, which means he lacks the financial backing of either of the two major parties.  He is asking his supporters to help him shoulder the cost by making a modest contribution to his campaign.

County residents who contribute $25 or more to the Committee to Elect Coury Carland for Sheriff will receive a Carland for Sheriff t-shirt.  Not only will it make a stylish addition to your wardrobe, but it will also allow you to show your support for Coury as he seeks to become your next sheriff.  And your generosity will help to expedite the process of ordering lawn signs. 

Contributions can be made by using PayPal, Credit Card through PayPal, or by check payable to CTE Coury Carland for Sheriff - mail to:

CTE Coury Carland for Sheriff
PO Box 1114
Frankfort, MI 49635

*When making a contribution, be sure to indicate your shirt size.  

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News Archive

Carland Announces Candidacy for Sheriff of Benzie County

Frankfort resident, Coury Carland, is announcing his candidacy for Sheriff of Benzie County.

Budget Crunch will Require Tough Choices

Doing more with less only works up to a point. After that, the choice is between further cuts or increased revenues.

Special Instructions for Election Day

Remember: Coury is running as an independant. Straight ticket voting will not get him elected. Split your ticket!

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Paid for by the Committee to Elect Coury Carland for Sheriff.